Contact us to place your request today:
- by phone: 613-473-4456
- email: frontdesk@madocpubliclibrary.ca
- chat feature (top right hand corner of any page on the website)
- Facebook or Instagram
- or place your hold in our online catalogue and we’ll call you when it’s ready for pick-up. Click here to learn how.
Not sure what you want? Fill in our Reader’s Advisory Form or contact the library and we’ll help you find something.
You can also request a Children’s Take-home Bundle. Fill out the Request Form and we’ll provide a selection of books and/or movies for your child!
Library staff will appoint a mutually agreeable time for pick-up and have your order ready and waiting. It’s like having your own personal shopper!
When you arrive at the library, enter the front porch by the ramp off the parking lot.