Library technology user agreement

Internet Services and Technology Acceptable Use Agreement

By using the Library’s computers and public Internet network, you agree to the following:

a) Users should view the use of the library’s public Internet network, whether on the library’s public computers or a personal device the same way as they view the use of any library space and should restrain from activities that disturb others in the library space.

b) Users may not use the library Internet network to access, display, download, upload, print, forward, or e-mail materials considered as defamatory, discriminatory, obscene, hate speech, or criminal in nature.

c) Users may not violate or circumvent copyright and other intellectual property rights (accessing pirated copies of movies, images, or literature).

d) Users may not misuse or abuse library computers or software.

e) Users should keep personal files on personal removable storage media (USB). Any user-created files found on the library’s computers will be removed.

f) Users should not install any software on the library’s computers or modify software installed by the library on the library’s computers.

Users who are in the library but who are using their own electronic devices and using their own Internet service (data plan), should also refrain from activities that disturb others in the library space.

Users who deliberately violate the rules may have their library privileges suspended or required to leave the library. Illegal use, within the definitions of federal or provincial legislation, will be reported to the police.

Local Roots. Global Access.
